Image by Pensiero via Flickr
Maybe this is going to be one of the most weirdest posts that I have ever made. I have chosen to make a post about INDOORS. And I have chosen this one.
dilluns, 23 d’agost del 2010
dissabte, 21 d’agost del 2010
Image by . SantiMB . via Flickr
It is for more than two years since I opened http:/ and I had the feeling I will continue writing oft there. But I fel t the need to open this account in blogger because I wanted to know also about these blogs. I wanted to remain at wordpress not because I just started there but because it was nice to be there. Now that I have opened this blog I see that both wordpress and blogger are good but in different ways. So, I imagine I will continue writing most of my posts in my wordpress blog. The problem there is that I write in three languages while here you find everything in English (but less updated, I am afraid as I am used to the wordpress blog) So, I wanted to write about some tools that let you read my wordpress blog. You only need a translator. I know ,for example,
Be aware that when the post is not in English it could be written in Catalan or Castilian. Google normally finds that but if you need to know is easy! In Castilian you always wirite with this accents: á,é,í,ó,ú while in Catalan you can find too à,è,ò. So, if you see à, è or ù or ç it is Catalan in my blog. If you see ñ is Castilian.
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Image via Wikipedia
I have added OUTBRAIN WIDGET to this blog. Unfortunately I still cannot use it on because still has not this widget.When you look at a post here you will see below some little thumbnails. About four. These are the thumbnails from OUTBRAIN. I have realized that they can show too other posts of the same blog! And sometimes they show the text but in a very very gorgeous way!
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Image by GAY.CAT via Flickr
At the beginning of July I went to Orgullo Gay in Madrid, the gratest Gay Parade in Europe. I still have to put order in the photos but here you have one of them. Chueca was full of gay flags. Maybe I make a video with all the photos I took. If you make a search at you will find posts where I explained what I saw as I was there. I think you will need a translator!
divendres, 20 d’agost del 2010
Image by Brocco Lee via Flickr
Although Zemanta has been available to blogspot blogs before wordpress blogs the truth is that I have known Zemanta thanks to my wordpress blog. Just yesterday. And now I am just having it in my blogger blog! It was difficult for me to know how (in fact in wordpress it is not so easy. I just knew because it appeared on the news of wordpress)If you wan to to have ZEMANATA in your blogger blog you have to go to
If you want to have ZEMANTA in your wordpress blog (as I'm writing this the option is only available for the blogs in English) you have to go to USERS in the DASHBOARD. In users you go to PERSONAL SETTINGS. Then choose ADDITIONAL POST CONTENT ("Help me find related content (images, links, related articles, and tags) to use in my posts. Powered by Zemanta!")
All that said let me see the ZAMANTA ASSISTANT in my blogger blog! Wow! It is different from the wordpress one! It has more options.
Well, I leave you with some content form my wordpress blog and some that is not related. It is easy to know!
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During one time I used to follow the videos made de Gaygod. I wonder what is going on now ...
Malena Ernman - La Voix Sweden Eurovision 2009
I love this song since the first time I heard it. It is one of these songs that is not a worldwide hit but among my songs it is just one hit.
This is one fo my favourite songs. It was a kind of revolution when it happened. A long time before gay marriage came here.
A statueette by Salvador Dali has been stolen in Bruges, Belgium. I would add information as soon as I know more ...
... WELL, NOW i RAD IT HAS BEEN FOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
... WELL, NOW i RAD IT HAS BEEN FOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have found these tags in wordpress for English
Announcements Art Articles Audio Beauty Blog Blogging BooksBusiness Children Christianity Comedy Commentary Culture DesignEconomy Education Entertainment Environment Events FaithFamily Fashion Fiction Food Football Friends Fun Games GodGovernment History Home Human Rights Humor India InspirationIslam Life Lifestyle Literature Local Love Marketing MeMental Health Miscellaneous Movies Music NatureNews Opinion Other Parenting People Personal PhilosophyPhoto Photography Pictures] Poems Poetry PoliticsPrintable Coupons Quotes Random Random Thoughts RecipesRelationships Religion Review Reviews School Science Social MediaSports TV Television Thoughts Travel USA Updates Video WorkZionist entity Anime Film Hamas Health Kids Media Musings ObamaPhotos Spirituality Technology Videos Writing 2010
... and these ones for Spanish:
Actualidad ArtículosCiencia CineColab. LUDOVICO2810Cultura DeportesEconomía EducaciónEventos Fotografía FotosHumor Internet LibrosLiteratura MúsicaNoticias NovedadesOpinion Personal PoesíaPolítica ReflexionesReligion SaludSin categoriaSociedad TecnologíaVideo Videojuegos WWEAgosto Arte EBooksPelículas Viajes Videos
And for German:
Aktuell AllgemeinAllgemeines BilderBildertagebuch BreedersDas Mach(t)werkDas Mach(t)werk - B-Plan 7-29Das Mach(t)werk Gaskessel SchönebergDas Mach(t)werk: zwischen Gier und Dummheit- Gasometer- Das MachwerkDas Machwerk: Gaskessel SchönebergDemontage der DemokratieDie besten Tipps FamilieFotografie FotosGedanken GesellschaftGesundheit Internet IranIslam Kultur LebenLeben und andere SpäßeLiteratur Medien MusikNews Politik RACReisen Sonstiges USAVideo Zensur AktuellesMenschenrechte
And this for Portuguese from Brazil:
Acontecimentos No Cabo de Santo AgostinhoArtigos Atualizações RMVBAudiência e Tv BrasilCapas de Filmes AdultosCidadanía CinemaComportamento CulturaDicas EducaçãoEleições 2010 EventosFilmes Fotografía FotosFutebol Geral HumorLiteratura Moda MúsicaNews NoticiasNovidadesNão categorizadoOpinião PolíticaPornôs NacionaisPornôs NacionalizadosSBT Sem CategoriaSeries Tecnología VideoCotidiano TelevisaoVideos
And this in French:
A-côté Actu' ActualitésArt Articles CinemaCuisine Culture DiversEurope Filles FranceHistoire IndiaInformatique Jeux vidéoMode MondeMusique NewsNon classéPolitique Proche-Orient ReligionSOCIETE SantéScience Fiction SportTourisme U-kiss VideoActualité ChroniquesCoup de coeurCuriosités EconomieHumour Photos SympaVideos
And this in Italian:
ARTICOLI SU ARZANOAttualità CinemaCostume & SocietàCronaca CulturaEventi FotografíaFotoreportages e FotoblogGianfranco Simoncini notizie e articoliIl Gazebo Italia - Italy - Italien Lazio - Latium Libri LiguriaMusica - Cantautori Music - SongwritersMusica pop - Pop music - PopMusiche – Music – Musik - MusiqueMúsica NewsNotizie Pensieri PoesíaPolíticaPorto EmpedocleProvincia di Agrigento - Agrigent und Umgebung - AgrigeProvincia di Palermo - Palermo und Umgebung – PalermoSenza categoriaSicilia - Sicily - SizilienSocietàStorie di vita vissutaTelevisione - Television - Fernsehen Toscana - Tuscany - Toskana - ToscaneTurismo e viaggi - Travels and tourism - Tourismus und VarieVideo Arte Favara FilmRadio
And this in Portuguese:
Amor ArtesAscensão PlanetáriaCinema Citações CulturaDesign DicasDiscografías EspiritualEventos Fashion FilmesFotografía Geral HumorInternet LivrosMESTRES ASCENSIONADOSModa MúsicaNoticias Nova EraOutras modalidadesPessoal Poesía PolíticaPortugal ReligiãoSem CategoriaSeries TextosTodos os Posts - By Alex Sala. ArteAutores BenficaDesign grafico ViagensVideos
And in Catalan:
7pulgadas ActivitatsAfers interiors ArtArticlesAutodeterminacióBlanes CulturaERC BlanesElectronica EstacionsFotografíaFotos personals i comentaris sobre visites a exposicionIaido InternacionalJERC JERC BlanesLlibres MúsicaNetlabels NoruegaNoticias NotíciesPaïsos CatalansPersonal PoesíaPolíticaPolítica NacionalPolítica municipalReceptesSin categoriaDisseny gràfic HolandaObra nova QuedadesReforma ViatgesVideosÂGIL INFORMA
I put here all this to se the difference between the blogs according to the language used. But not because just of the language but because of the situation form the peole who speak the language.
Announcements Art Articles Audio Beauty Blog Blogging BooksBusiness Children Christianity Comedy Commentary Culture DesignEconomy Education Entertainment Environment Events FaithFamily Fashion Fiction Food Football Friends Fun Games GodGovernment History Home Human Rights Humor India InspirationIslam Life Lifestyle Literature Local Love Marketing MeMental Health Miscellaneous Movies Music NatureNews Opinion Other Parenting People Personal PhilosophyPhoto Photography Pictures] Poems Poetry PoliticsPrintable Coupons Quotes Random Random Thoughts RecipesRelationships Religion Review Reviews School Science Social MediaSports TV Television Thoughts Travel USA Updates Video WorkZionist entity Anime Film Hamas Health Kids Media Musings ObamaPhotos Spirituality Technology Videos Writing 2010
... and these ones for Spanish:
Actualidad ArtículosCiencia CineColab. LUDOVICO2810Cultura DeportesEconomía EducaciónEventos Fotografía FotosHumor Internet LibrosLiteratura MúsicaNoticias NovedadesOpinion Personal PoesíaPolítica ReflexionesReligion SaludSin categoriaSociedad TecnologíaVideo Videojuegos WWEAgosto Arte EBooksPelículas Viajes Videos
And for German:
Aktuell AllgemeinAllgemeines BilderBildertagebuch BreedersDas Mach(t)werkDas Mach(t)werk - B-Plan 7-29Das Mach(t)werk Gaskessel SchönebergDas Mach(t)werk: zwischen Gier und Dummheit- Gasometer- Das MachwerkDas Machwerk: Gaskessel SchönebergDemontage der DemokratieDie besten Tipps FamilieFotografie FotosGedanken GesellschaftGesundheit Internet IranIslam Kultur LebenLeben und andere SpäßeLiteratur Medien MusikNews Politik RACReisen Sonstiges USAVideo Zensur AktuellesMenschenrechte
And this for Portuguese from Brazil:
Acontecimentos No Cabo de Santo AgostinhoArtigos Atualizações RMVBAudiência e Tv BrasilCapas de Filmes AdultosCidadanía CinemaComportamento CulturaDicas EducaçãoEleições 2010 EventosFilmes Fotografía FotosFutebol Geral HumorLiteratura Moda MúsicaNews NoticiasNovidadesNão categorizadoOpinião PolíticaPornôs NacionaisPornôs NacionalizadosSBT Sem CategoriaSeries Tecnología VideoCotidiano TelevisaoVideos
And this in French:
A-côté Actu' ActualitésArt Articles CinemaCuisine Culture DiversEurope Filles FranceHistoire IndiaInformatique Jeux vidéoMode MondeMusique NewsNon classéPolitique Proche-Orient ReligionSOCIETE SantéScience Fiction SportTourisme U-kiss VideoActualité ChroniquesCoup de coeurCuriosités EconomieHumour Photos SympaVideos
And this in Italian:
ARTICOLI SU ARZANOAttualità CinemaCostume & SocietàCronaca CulturaEventi FotografíaFotoreportages e FotoblogGianfranco Simoncini notizie e articoliIl Gazebo Italia - Italy - Italien Lazio - Latium Libri LiguriaMusica - Cantautori Music - SongwritersMusica pop - Pop music - PopMusiche – Music – Musik - MusiqueMúsica NewsNotizie Pensieri PoesíaPolíticaPorto EmpedocleProvincia di Agrigento - Agrigent und Umgebung - AgrigeProvincia di Palermo - Palermo und Umgebung – PalermoSenza categoriaSicilia - Sicily - SizilienSocietàStorie di vita vissutaTelevisione - Television - Fernsehen Toscana - Tuscany - Toskana - ToscaneTurismo e viaggi - Travels and tourism - Tourismus und VarieVideo Arte Favara FilmRadio
And this in Portuguese:
Amor ArtesAscensão PlanetáriaCinema Citações CulturaDesign DicasDiscografías EspiritualEventos Fashion FilmesFotografía Geral HumorInternet LivrosMESTRES ASCENSIONADOSModa MúsicaNoticias Nova EraOutras modalidadesPessoal Poesía PolíticaPortugal ReligiãoSem CategoriaSeries TextosTodos os Posts - By Alex Sala. ArteAutores BenficaDesign grafico ViagensVideos
And in Catalan:
7pulgadas ActivitatsAfers interiors ArtArticlesAutodeterminacióBlanes CulturaERC BlanesElectronica EstacionsFotografíaFotos personals i comentaris sobre visites a exposicionIaido InternacionalJERC JERC BlanesLlibres MúsicaNetlabels NoruegaNoticias NotíciesPaïsos CatalansPersonal PoesíaPolíticaPolítica NacionalPolítica municipalReceptesSin categoriaDisseny gràfic HolandaObra nova QuedadesReforma ViatgesVideosÂGIL INFORMA
I put here all this to se the difference between the blogs according to the language used. But not because just of the language but because of the situation form the peole who speak the language.
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